JavaScript RegExp – g

JavaScript RegExp – g

Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, is a powerful tool that allows us to search for patterns in text. In JavaScript, the RegExp object is used to define patterns for text searching and manipulation. The g flag is one of the most important flags used in regular expressions. In this article, we will discuss in detail what g flag is, how it works, and its usage in regex with JavaScript.

What is the g flag in JavaScript RegExp?

The g flag is a short form for “global” and is added to a regular expression to match all occurrences of the pattern. When the g flag is set, the regular expression will search for all matches in a given string, rather than just the first match. For instance, consider the following example:

var str = "One apple, two apples, three apples";
var pattern = /apple/g;
var result = str.match(pattern);
//Output: [ 'apple', 'apple', 'apple' ]

Here, the g flag is added to the pattern /apple/ to match all occurrences of the word “apple” in the string str. Without the g flag, the regular expression would only return the first match that it finds.

Usage of g flag in JavaScript RegExp

The g flag is often used with the exec() and test() methods of the RegExp object to perform global searches on a given string. Let’s discuss both methods in detail below:

Using g flag with exec() method

The exec() method is used to search for a pattern in a string and return the first occurrence of the pattern. When used with the g flag, the exec() method returns all occurrences of the pattern in a given string. Consider the following example:

var str = "One apple, two apples, three apples";
var pattern = /apple/g;
var result;

while ((result = pattern.exec(str)) !== null) {
  console.log("Match found at " + result.index);

This code will search for all occurrences of the word “apple” in the string str and print the index where the match is found. The exec() method returns an array consisting of the matched substring and its index as well as the input string.

Using g flag with test() method

The test() method is used to check if a pattern exists in a string or not. When used with the g flag, the test() method will search for all occurrences of the pattern in a given string and return true if it finds a match, otherwise, it returns false. Consider the following example:

var str = "One apple, two apples, three apples";
var pattern = /apple/g;

if (pattern.test(str)) {
  console.log("Match found");
} else {
  console.log("Match not found");

Here, the test() method will search for all occurrences of the word “apple” in the string str and return true if it finds a match, otherwise false.

Example of using g flag in JavaScript RegExp

Let’s take another example of how to use g flag in regex with JavaScript. Consider the following code:

var str = "This is a test string for regex pattern matching.";
var pattern = /is/g;
var result = str.match(pattern);


In this code, we have a string "This is a test string for regex pattern matching." and a pattern /is/g that will search for all occurrences of the word “is” in the string. The match() method will return an array with all matches found in the string.


The g flag in JavaScript RegExp is an essential tool for searching and manipulating strings. It allows us to perform global searches of patterns in a given string. The g flag works with various regular expression methods such as exec() and test() to provide more efficient and versatile results in regular expression matching. Keep experimenting with regular expressions and the g flag to make the most out of string manipulation in JavaScript.
