JavaScript RegExp – p.p

JavaScript RegExp – p.p

Regular expressions or RegEx is a very powerful tool that allows developers to match patterns in strings. JavaScript has an in-built RegExp object that makes working with regular expressions easier. In this article, we will explore the power of the “p.p” pattern in Regular Expressions.

Brief on Regular Expressions

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that creates a search pattern. It can be used to perform searches, replace text, and validate input data. A regular expression is written between two forward-slash (/) characters. For example, /hello/ would match the string “hello” in a text.

In JavaScript, RegEx objects have two methods: test() and exec(). The test() method returns a boolean value based on whether or not a match is found in a given string. The exec() method returns an array containing information about the match.

The p.p Pattern

The “p.p” pattern in RegEx is used to match any three-character sequence that starts with “p” and ends with “p”. The middle character can be any character except for a line break. For example, the string “pup, pop, pip” would match the pattern “p.p”.

Here’s an example of how to use the “p.p” pattern in JavaScript:

const regex = /p.p/g;
const str = "pup, pop, pip";
const match = str.match(regex);


["pup", "pop"]

In the code above, we create a RegEx object with the p.p pattern and the “g” modifier. The “g” modifier searches for all matches in the string. We then use the match() method to get all matches of the pattern in the given string.

As you can see, the match() method returns an array containing the matched strings. In this case, it returns ["pup", "pop"].

Modifiers in JavaScript RegExp

Modifers are special characters that allow us to perform various operations on a regular expression. There are several modifiers in JavaScript, but in this article, we’ll focus on the “g” modifier.

The “g” modifier is used to search for all occurrences of a pattern in a string. If we don’t use this modifier, the RegEx will only match the first occurrence of the pattern.

Here’s an example:

const regex = /p.p/;
const str = "pup, pop, pip";
const match = str.match(regex);



In the code above, we don’t use the “g” modifier, so the match() method returns only the first match, which is “pup”.


Regular expressions are a very powerful tool for manipulating text in JavaScript. The “p.p” pattern is just one example of how we can use RegEx to match a specific sequence of characters in a string. Understanding regular expressions and how to use them can make our code more efficient and scalable.
