JavaScript RegExp – p(hp)*

JavaScript RegExp – p(hp)*

Regular expressions, also known as RegExp, are powerful tools used in programming languages to search and manipulate text. One of the most commonly used expressions is p(hp)*, which matches strings containing the word “ph” followed by zero or more occurrences of the letters “p”. In this article, we will explore the use of the p(hp)* expression in JavaScript with some code examples.

Creating the Regular Expression

To use the p(hp)* expression in JavaScript, we need to create a regular expression object using the RegExp constructor. The syntax for creating a regular expression is as follows:

let regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags);

Here, the pattern parameter is the regular expression pattern we want to use, and flags are optional flags that modify the behavior of the pattern matching. For the p(hp)* expression, the pattern is simply “p(hp)*”, and we don’t need any flags, so we can create the regular expression object like this:

let regex = new RegExp("p(hp)*");

Alternatively, we can use the shorthand syntax to create a regular expression object without using the RegExp constructor:

let regex = /p(hp)*/;

This creates the same regular expression object as above.

Testing the Regular Expression

Once we have created the regular expression object, we can use it to test whether a given string matches the pattern. The regular expression object has a test() method that takes a string as an argument and returns true if the string matches the pattern, false otherwise. Here’s an example:

let regex = new RegExp("p(hp)*");
let str = "php";
let result = regex.test(str);
console.log(result); // true

In this example, we create a regular expression object that matches the p(hp)* pattern, and a string “php” that contains the pattern. We then call the test() method on the regex object with the string as an argument, which returns true because the string matches the pattern.

We can also use the shorthand syntax to test the regular expression:

let regex = /p(hp)*/;
let str = "phppphphphphphphphphphphphph";
let result = regex.test(str);
console.log(result); // true

This example creates the same regular expression object as above, but the string “phppphphphphphphphphphphphph” contains multiple occurrences of the pattern, so the test() method returns true.

Extracting Matches

The regular expression object also has a exec() method that returns an array of matches if the pattern is found in the string. The first element of the array is the entire matched substring, and subsequent elements are any captured groups within the pattern. Here’s an example:

let regex = new RegExp("p(hp)*");
let str = "phphpphp";
let result = regex.exec(str);
console.log(result); // ["phphpphp", "hp"]

In this example, we create a regular expression object that matches the p(hp)* pattern, and a string “phphpphp” that contains the pattern. We then call the exec() method on the regex object with the string as an argument, which returns an array with two elements. The first element is the entire matched string “phphpphp”, and the second element is the captured group “hp”.

If the pattern is not found in the string, the exec() method returns null.

Replacing Matches

Another useful feature of regular expressions is the ability to replace matches in a string with a specified replacement string. The regular expression object has a replace() method that takes two arguments: the pattern to search for and the replacement string to use. Here’s an example:

let regex = /p(hp)*/;
let str = "phphpphp";
let result = str.replace(regex, "♥");
console.log(result); // "♥♥♥♥"

In this example, we create a regular expression object that matches the p(hp)* pattern, and a string “phphpphp” that contains the pattern. We then call the replace() method on the string with the regex object and the replacement string “♥”. The method replaces all occurrences of the pattern in the string with the replacement string, resulting in the new string “♥♥♥♥”.


The p(hp)* expression is a powerful tool in JavaScript regular expressions that allows us to match strings containing the word “ph” followed by zero or more occurrences of the letters “p”. We can create regular expression objects using either the RegExp constructor or the shorthand syntax, and test them with the test() method. We can also use the exec() method to extract matched strings and captured groups, and the replace() method to replace matches in a string with a specified replacement string. These features make regular expressions a valuable tool for manipulating text in JavaScript.
