JavaScript RegExp – The Definitive Guide

JavaScript RegExp – The Definitive Guide

JavaScript is a widely used programming language that powers many interactive websites and web applications. One core aspect of JavaScript is its support for regular expressions (RegExps) which are used to match patterns in strings. In this article, we will introduce you to JavaScript RegExps, how they work, and how to use them in your code.

What are RegExps?

A regular expression (RegExp) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern in strings. They are used to perform various string operations such as pattern matching, search and replace, and data validation. RegExps define a set of rules and patterns that a string must match in order to be considered valid.

In JavaScript, RegExps are supported natively as a built-in object, RegExp. This object provides methods for creating and working with RegExps.

Creating a RegExp

RegExps can be created in several ways in JavaScript:

Using the constructor function

let regExp = new RegExp('pattern', 'flags');

Here, pattern is the regular expression pattern, and flags are optional parameters, indicating various options for the RegExp (like global, case-insensitive, and multiline).

Using a RegExp Literal

let regExp = /pattern/flags;

The flags are again optional, and can be the same options as when using the constructor function.

RegExp Syntax Examples

In a regular expression /.at/, the period represents any character, while at specifies the substring to search for; thus, /\.at/ is used for searching specifically for a ‘.’ followed by ‘at’.

let regExp1 = /hello/;
let regExp2 = new RegExp('hello');

In the above code samples, the two regular expressions are identical.

Matching Patterns

The test() method is used to check if a string matches a regular expression or not. It returns true if there is a match, and false if no match is found.

let regExp = /hello/;
let str = 'hello world';

if(regExp.test(str)) {
    console.log('Match found!');
} else {
    console.log('Match not found!');

This code will output ‘Match found!’, as the string str contains the target pattern hello exactly.

Searching and Replacing

Apart from matching, RegExps can be used for searching and replacing specific parts of a string.

The exec() method

This method is used to search for the first occurrence of a regular expression pattern in a string. It returns an array of information about the match, including the matched substring and the index of its first character.

let regExp = /world/;
let str = 'hello world';

let match = regExp.exec(str);
console.log(match.index); // output: 6
console.log(match[0]); // output: "world"

The replace() method

This method replaces the first occurrence of a regular expression pattern with a given replacement string.

let regExp = /world/;
let str = 'hello world';

let newStr = str.replace(regExp, 'there');
console.log(newStr); // Output: hello there

Here, the replace() method replaces the first instance of the word ‘world’ in the string str with the word ‘there’, and returns a new string.

Global Search and Replacing

The g flag is used to enable global searching and replacing in a string. It means that the search and replace operation will be applied globally to every instance of the pattern in the string.

let regExp = /world/g;
let str = 'hello world world';

let newStr = str.replace(regExp, 'there');
console.log(newStr); // Output: hello there there

In the above code, we use the g flag to globally find and replace every instance of the word ‘world’ in the string with the word ‘there’.

Modifying the RegExp

RegExps can be modified and customized further by using various flags, including i for case-insensitive search, m for including multiple lines, and y for sticky search.

let regExp = /hello/i;
let str = 'HELLO WORLD';

if(regExp.test(str)) {
    console.log('Match found!');
} else {
    console.log('Match not found!');

In this example, we use the i flag to search case-insensitively for the word ‘hello’ in the string str.


In this article, we introduced you to JavaScript RegExps, and how to create, match, search, and replace strings using regular expressions. We also looked at how to customize RegExps by using flags. Using RegExps in your code can save you time and increase your code’s effectiveness, especially when dealing with string manipulation and data validation. Remember, as with all programming tools, practice makes perfect!
