JavaScript RegExp – \uxxxx

JavaScript RegExp – \uxxxx

Regular expressions, or regex, are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are incredibly useful in programming languages like JavaScript for matching and manipulating text.

One of the most powerful features of regex is the ability to match characters that are not found on a typical keyboard. This is where the \uxxxx sequence comes into play.

The \uxxxx notation is used to match Unicode characters in a JavaScript string. The xxxx represents a four-digit hexadecimal number that denotes the Unicode code point to be matched.

Let’s take a look at an example:

const str = 'Hello, 世界!';
const regex = /\u4e16/g;

console.log(str.match(regex)); // Output: ["世"]

In this example, we have a string that contains the word “Hello” followed by a comma and the Chinese characters for “world.” We then create a regular expression that looks for the Unicode character for the Chinese character “世”.

The /g flag at the end of the regular expression tells JavaScript to search for all matches in the string. When we execute the match() function on the string using our regular expression, we get an array with a single element containing the matched character “世”.

It’s important to note that the \uxxxx syntax can only match a single Unicode character at a time. If you need to match multiple characters, you can use a combination of \uxxxx and basic regex patterns.

Here’s an example:

const str = 'Hello, 世界!';
const regex = /lo.+?\u4e16+/ug;

console.log(str.match(regex)); // Output: ["lo, 世"]

In this example, we’ve modified the regular expression to look for the string “lo” followed by one or more characters (.+?) and then the Unicode character for “世” one or more times. The u and g flags at the end of the regular expression indicate that we’re searching for all matches in the string and that we’re using Unicode character matching.

When we execute the match() function on the string using our updated regular expression, we get an array with a single element containing the matched string “lo, 世”.

In addition to matching Unicode characters in a string, you can also use the \uxxxx syntax to insert Unicode characters into a string. Here’s an example:

console.log('\u2764'); // Output: ❤

In this example, we’re using the \u2764 sequence to insert the Unicode character for a heart symbol into the string.

JavaScript regular expressions are incredibly powerful and flexible tools for working with text. By understanding the \uxxxx sequence, you can use Unicode character matching to create even more complex and powerful regular expressions.


In conclusion, using the \uxxxx syntax in JavaScript regular expressions allows you to match and insert Unicode characters in a string. With this powerful tool at your disposal, you can create complex regular expressions that can handle even the most challenging text matching scenarios. So next time you’re working with text in JavaScript, consider using the \uxxxx notation to make your regular expressions even more powerful.
