JavaScript RegExp – (.*)<\/b>

JavaScript RegExp – (.*)<\/b>

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is a powerful language that can be used to develop web applications, desktop applications, and even mobile applications. One of the features of JavaScript is the ability to use regular expressions or RegEx to search for patterns in strings. In this article, we will explore JavaScript RegEx in detail.

What is RegEx?

RegEx is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. You can use RegEx to search for patterns in strings, and also to replace parts of a string with new text. RegEx is used in many programming languages, and in JavaScript, it is implemented using the RegExp object.

Creating a RegExp

To create a RegExp object in JavaScript, you can use the RegExp constructor or the RegEx literal. Here is an example:

// Using the RegExp constructor
let regex = new RegExp('hello');

// Using the RegEx literal
let regex2 = /hello/;

Both examples create a RegExp object that matches the string ‘hello’. Note that the RegEx literal uses forward slashes to define the pattern.

Matching a Pattern

To match a pattern in a string using a RegExp, you can use the test() method. Here is an example:

let regex = /hello/;
let str = 'hello world';
let result = regex.test(str);
console.log(result); // true

This example creates a RegExp that matches the string ‘hello’, and then tests it against the string ‘hello world’. The test() method returns true because the pattern is found in the string.


Modifiers are used to modify the behavior of a RegExp. They are added after the pattern and enclosed in forward slashes. Here are some commonly used modifiers:

  • i – Case-insensitive matching
  • g – Global matching (matches all occurrences)
  • m – Multi-line matching


let regex = /hello/i; // case-insensitive matching
let str = 'Hello world';
let result = regex.test(str);
console.log(result); // true

This example creates a RegExp that matches the string ‘hello’ with the i modifier for case-insensitive matching. The test string is ‘Hello world’, and the test() method returns true because the pattern is found.


Patterns in RegEx are defined using metacharacters, which have special meanings. Here are some commonly used metacharacters:

  • . – Matches any character except newlines
  • \d – Matches any digit
  • \w – Matches any word character (alphanumeric or underscore)
  • \s – Matches any whitespace character
  • ^ – Matches the start of a string
  • $ – Matches the end of a string
  • [] – Matches one of the characters inside the brackets
  • () – Groups a series of characters together


let regex = /\d+/; // matches one or more digits
let str = 'The number is 42';
let result = str.match(regex);
console.log(result); // ['42']

This example creates a RegExp that matches one or more digits using the \d+ pattern. The test string is ‘The number is 42’, and the match() method returns an array with the value [’42’].


There are several methods available in the RegExp object for matching patterns in strings. Here are some of the commonly used methods:

  • test() – Tests a string for a pattern match
  • exec() – Executes a search for a pattern in a string and returns an array of information
  • match() – Searches a string for a pattern match and returns an array of matches
  • replace() – Replaces a matched pattern with a new string
  • search() – Searches a string for a pattern match and returns the index of the first match


let regex = /\d+/; // matches one or more digits
let str = 'The number is 42';
let result = str.replace(regex, '10');
console.log(result); // 'The number is 10'

This example creates a RegExp that matches one or more digits using the \d+ pattern. The test string is ‘The number is 42’, and the replace() method replaces the matched pattern with the string ’10’, resulting in the string ‘The number is 10’.


JavaScript RegExp is a powerful tool for working with strings in JavaScript. With RegEx, you can search and match pattern in a string, replace parts of a string with new text, and more. With the knowledge gained in this article, you should be able to create and work with RegEx in your JavaScript applications.
