JavaScript RegExp – p+

JavaScript RegExp – p+

In JavaScript, a regular expression is a pattern that specifies a collection of characters to be searched for within a string. The p+ regular expression in JavaScript is a shorthand for matching one or more occurrences of the letter “p”.

To use the p+ regular expression, first create a new RegExp object, passing in the pattern as a string argument:

const regex = new RegExp("p+");

Or, you can use the shorthand notation, which is to wrap the pattern in forward slashes:

const regex = /p+/;

Either way, the resulting regex variable will now match one or more occurrences of the letter “p” in any string.

Let’s see some examples of how this works.

Example 1

const regex = /p+/;

console.log(regex.test("apple"));  // true
console.log(regex.test("pear"));   // true
console.log(regex.test("banana")); // false

In this example, the regular expression matches the letter “p” one or more times. Both “apple” and “pear” contain at least one “p”, so the regular expression returns true. “banana” doesn’t contain any “p”, so the regular expression returns false.

Example 2

const regex = /p+/g;

const str = "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.";

const matches = str.match(regex);

console.log(matches); // ["p", "pp", "p", "p", "pp", "p", "p"]

In this example, we use the global flag (/g) to match all occurrences of one or more “p” in the string “str”. We then use the match() method to return an array of all the matches. The resulting array contains all occurrences of “p” in the string.

Example 3

const regex = /(p+){2}/;

console.log(regex.test("apple"));  // false
console.log(regex.test("papa"));   // true
console.log(regex.test("pepper")); // true

In this example, we use the regular expression to match two or more consecutive “p” in the string. The grouping operator “(…)” groups the “p+” together so that the {2} quantifier applies to the entire group. The regular expression returns true for “papa” and “pepper”, but false for “apple”.

Example 4

const regex = /\bp+\w*\b/g;

const str = "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.";

const matches = str.match(regex);

console.log(matches); // ["peter", "piper", "picked", "peck", "pickled", "peppers"]

In this example, we’re using the p+ regular expression as part of a larger pattern to match words starting with “p”. We use the word boundary marker (\b) to match only complete words starting with “p”. The \w* matches any number of word characters after the “p”, so we capture entire words. The resulting array contains all words starting with “p” in the string.


The p+ regular expression in JavaScript is a powerful tool for matching one or more occurrences of the letter “p” in any string. By using it in combination with other regular expression constructs, we can create complex patterns to match almost any string.
