JavaScript RegExp – i

JavaScript RegExp – i

JavaScript regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. They allow us to search for specific patterns in strings and replace them with other text, among other things. One important aspect of regular expressions is the ability to use modifiers that alter the way they match patterns. In this article, we’ll focus on one such modifier – the ‘i’ modifier.

The ‘i’ modifier allows regular expressions to match patterns regardless of case. This means that it makes the regular expression case-insensitive. For example, the regular expression /hello/i would match the string “Hello, world!” as well as “HELLO, WORLD!” and “heLLo, wOrLD!”.

Here’s an example of how to use the ‘i’ modifier in JavaScript code:

const myString = "Hello, world!";
const myRegExp = /hello/i;

console.log(myRegExp.test(myString)); // Output: true

In the code above, we define a regular expression /hello/i, which will match the pattern “hello” in a case-insensitive manner. We then use the test() method of the regular expression to check if the string “Hello, world!” matches the pattern. The output of this code is true, because the regular expression matches the string regardless of case.

It’s worth noting that the ‘i’ modifier only affects letters in the ASCII range. This means that it won’t match non-ASCII characters in a case-insensitive manner. For example, the regular expression /ö/i would not match the string “Österreich”. To match non-ASCII characters in a case-insensitive manner, you can use the ‘u’ modifier in combination with the ‘i’ modifier – this tells JavaScript to use Unicode case-folding rules instead of ASCII.

Here’s an example of how to use both the ‘i’ and ‘u’ modifiers in JavaScript code:

const myString = "Österreich";
const myRegExp = /ö/iu;

console.log(myRegExp.test(myString)); // Output: true

In the code above, we define a regular expression /ö/iu, which will match the pattern “ö” in a case-insensitive manner using Unicode case-folding rules. We then use the test() method of the regular expression to check if the string “Österreich” matches the pattern. The output of this code is true, because the regular expression matches the string regardless of case, even with non-ASCII characters.

In addition to the test() method, regular expressions with the ‘i’ modifier can be used with other built-in JavaScript string methods such as replace(), match(), and search(). These methods will match the pattern case-insensitively if the ‘i’ modifier is used in the regular expression.

Here’s an example of using the replace() method with a regular expression that includes the ‘i’ modifier:

const myString = "Hello, world!";
const myRegExp = /hello/i;

const myNewString = myString.replace(myRegExp, "Hi");

console.log(myNewString); // Output: "Hi, world!"

In the code above, we use the replace() method to replace the pattern “hello” with the text “Hi”. Because the ‘i’ modifier is used in the regular expression, the pattern is matched case-insensitively, and the resulting string is “Hi, world!”.


The ‘i’ modifier in regular expressions is a powerful tool for case-insensitive pattern matching and text manipulation in JavaScript. It can be used in conjunction with other modifiers such as the ‘u’ modifier to match non-ASCII characters as well. With regular expressions and their modifiers, JavaScript provides a flexible and powerful way to work with strings and text.
