JavaScript RegExp – \f

JavaScript RegExp – \f

In JavaScript, RegExp is a built-in object that is used for matching text patterns. It is often used in string validation and manipulation. In this article, we will explore the \f escape character and its usage in regular expressions.

What is \f?

\f is an escape character that represents a form feed character. Form feed is a control character that is used to advance the print head to the next page on a printer device. It is rarely used in modern printing technology, but it still has some usage in text editors and compiler output formatting.

In JavaScript, \f is used to match a form feed character in a string. It is represented as “\f” in a regular expression.

Using \f in Regular Expressions

To use \f in a regular expression, we can simply include it in the pattern. For example, the following code matches a string that contains a form feed character:

const regex = /\f/;
const str = "This is a string with a\fform feed character.";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true

In this code, we create a regular expression that matches a form feed character, and then we use the test() method of the RegExp object to test whether the string contains a form feed character. The output is true because the string contains a form feed character.

We can also use the \f escape character in combination with other regular expression syntax to match more complex patterns. For example, the following code matches a string that contains a form feed character followed by the word “hello”:

const regex = /\fhello/;
const str1 = "This is a string with a\fhello";
const str2 = "This is a string with a\fworld";
console.log(regex.test(str1)); // true
console.log(regex.test(str2)); // false

In this code, we create a regular expression that matches a form feed character followed by the word “hello”. We then test two strings – one that contains the pattern and one that does not. The first test returns true because the string contains the pattern, while the second test returns false because the string does not contain the pattern.

Using \f in String Manipulation

In addition to using \f in regular expressions, we can also use it in string manipulation. For example, we can replace all form feed characters in a string with a different character using the replace() method:

const str = "This is a string with a\fform feed character.";
const newStr = str.replace(/\f/g, "");
console.log(newStr); // This is a string with a form feed character.

In this code, we use the replace() method of the string object to replace all form feed characters (\f) in the string with an empty string (“”). The output is a new string that does not contain any form feed characters.


In conclusion, \f is an escape character that represents a form feed character in JavaScript. We can use it in regular expressions to match form feed characters or in string manipulation to replace form feed characters with other characters. While form feed characters are not commonly used in modern printing technology, it is still important to be aware of their existence and to know how to handle them in our code.
