JavaScript RegExp – p*

JavaScript RegExp – p*

In JavaScript, a Regular Expression (or RegExp for short) is used to match patterns in strings. It allows for more complex string manipulation than simple string methods such as substring() and replace(). The p* pattern in a RegExp matches any combination of zero or more “p” characters in a row. In this article, we will explore how to use the p* pattern in JavaScript.

Using p* in a RegExp

The p* pattern in a RegExp matches any combination of zero or more “p” characters in a row. For example, the RegExp /p*/ would match the following strings:

// Match:

// Do not match:

To use this pattern in JavaScript, we can create a new RegExp object and use the test() method to check if a string matches the pattern. For example:

const pattern = /p*/;
const string1 = "ppppp";
const string2 = "pears";

console.log(pattern.test(string1)); // Output: true
console.log(pattern.test(string2)); // Output: false

In this example, the RegExp object pattern is created with the p* pattern. The test() method is then used to check if the strings string1 and string2 match the pattern. The test() method returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the pattern was found.

Other Uses of Regular Expressions in JavaScript

While the p* pattern can be useful in certain situations, there are many other patterns and methods available in JavaScript’s RegExp object. Some common patterns include:

  • . (dot) – matches any single character except for a newline.
  • + – matches one or more of the previous character or group.
  • [] – matches any character within the brackets.
  • \d – matches any digit character (0-9).

Some common methods for RegExp in JavaScript include:

  • test() – returns true if the pattern matches, false otherwise.
  • exec() – searches a string for the pattern and returns an array of matched strings.
  • match() – similar to exec(), but returns an array of all matched strings instead of just the first.
  • search() – searches a string for the first occurrence of the pattern and returns the index.


JavaScript’s RegExp object provides a powerful tool for manipulating strings in complex ways. The p* pattern is just one example of the many patterns and methods available. By understanding these patterns and methods, developers can create more efficient and effective code for string manipulation.
