JavaScript RegExp – p{N1, N2}

JavaScript RegExp – p{N1, N2}

JavaScript Regular Expression, also known as RegExp, is a powerful tool that helps developers search, replace, and validate strings with ease. In this article, we will explore one of the most interesting RegExp concepts, namely p{N1, N2}. We will cover what it is, how it works, and give some code examples.

What is p{N1, N2}?

p{N1, N2} is a character set expression that allows developers to search for a specific pattern inside a string. The “p” stands for any printable character, and {N1, N2} specifies the minimum and maximum number of times the character “p” should occur within the expression.

Here’s an example: Let’s say we want to search for a string that has the word “special” in it, but the “e” can only appear between 2 and 4 times. We can use the following RegExp pattern:


The “p{2,4}” means the character “p” should be repeated between 2 and 4 times, and the remaining characters match the literal text. So, this pattern will match strings like “speeeecial” and “sppecial”, but not “specal” or “sppeeecial”.

Using p{N1, N2} in JavaScript

Now that we have an idea of what p{N1, N2} is, let’s see how we can use it in JavaScript. We’ll start with the RegExp constructor, which allows us to create a RegExp object using a regular expression pattern:

const regex = new RegExp('sp{2,4}ecial');
const text = "This is a special message with speeeecial word in it.";
console.log(regex.test(text)); // Output: true

Here, we’re creating a RegExp object using the pattern we discussed earlier. We then use the test() method to check if the pattern matches the input text. Since the text contains the word “speeeecial” which satisfies the pattern, the output will be “true”.

The other way to create a RegExp object is by using a literal notation where the regular expression pattern is wrapped in forward slashes:

const regex = /sp{2,4}ecial/;
const text = "This is a special message with sppecial word in it.";
console.log(regex.test(text)); // Output: true

The functionality of both ways of defining a regex pattern is the same, but using the RegExp constructor allows the pattern to be dynamic and include variables.

We can also use the Match() method, which returns an array containing all matches found in the input string:

const regex = /sp{2,4}ecial/;
const text = "This is a special message with speeeecial and sppeeecccial words in it.";
// Output: ["speeeecial", "sppeeecccial"]

Here, the Match() method returns an array of all matches found in the input text.


In conclusion, p{N1, N2} is a powerful expression used in RegExp that can help developers search, replace, or validate strings that require specific patterns. In this article, we covered what p{N1, N2} is, how to use it in JavaScript with both literal notation and the RegExp constructor, and how to use the Match() method to return all matches found in the input string. With this knowledge, developers can take their RegExp game to the next level and master the art of search and replace!
