JavaScript RegExp – [aeiou]

JavaScript RegExp – [aeiou]

One of the most powerful features of JavaScript is regular expressions, or regex for short. Regex is a special syntax used to match patterns in text. It is commonly used for tasks like data validation, search and replace operations, and text parsing.

In this article, we’ll focus on one specific regex pattern: [aeiou]. This pattern matches any single lowercase vowel (a, e, i, o, or u). We’ll explore how to use this pattern in JavaScript and provide some practical examples.

Creating a RegExp Object

In JavaScript, we create a regular expression using the RegExp constructor or the regular expression literal syntax.

// Using RegExp constructor
const vowelRegex = new RegExp('[aeiou]');

// Using literal syntax
const vowelRegex = /[aeiou]/;

Both methods create a regular expression that matches any single lowercase vowel. We can now use this regular expression to match patterns in text.

Testing for a Match

To test if a string contains a vowel, we can use the test() method of the regular expression.

const vowelRegex = /[aeiou]/;

console.log(vowelRegex.test('hello')); // true
console.log(vowelRegex.test('world')); // false

The test() method returns true if the regular expression matches any part of the string, and false otherwise.

Extracting Matches

To extract the actual match from a string, we can use the match() method of the string object.

const vowelRegex = /[aeiou]/;
const string = 'hello world';

console.log(string.match(vowelRegex)); // ["e", "o", "o"]

The match() method returns an array of all matches found in the string. In this case, it returns an array with the letters “e”, “o”, and “o”, which are the lowercase vowels in the string.

Replacing Matches

Regex can also be used for search and replace operations. To replace all vowels in a string with a different character, we can use the replace() method of the string object.

const vowelRegex = /[aeiou]/;
const string = 'hello world';

const newString = string.replace(vowelRegex, '*');

console.log(newString); // h*ll* w*rld

The replace() method returns a new string with all matches replaced by the second argument. In this case, it replaces all lowercase vowels with the asterisk character.


In this article, we explored the JavaScript RegExp pattern [aeiou], which matches any single lowercase vowel (a, e, i, o, or u). We learned how to create a regular expression, test for matches, extract matches, and perform search and replace operations. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for manipulating text, and [aeiou] is just one of the many patterns you can use to match specific patterns in your text.
