JavaScript RegExp – \D

JavaScript RegExp – \D

In JavaScript, RegExp (Regular Expression) is a very powerful tool for working with text. RegExp enables you to search and replace text, perform pattern matching and validation, and manipulate text in a wide variety of ways. The \D character is a special character in RegExp that matches any non-digit character.

Using the \D Character

The \D character is used in a pattern to match any non-digit character. For example, the following pattern matches any string that contains at least one non-digit character:

let pattern = /\D/;

This pattern can be used with the RegExp test() method to check if a string contains at least one non-digit character:

let str = "123abc";
if (pattern.test(str)) {
    console.log("String contains at least one non-digit character");
} else {
    console.log("String contains only digit characters");

In this example, the test() method returns true because the string “123abc” contains at least one non-digit character.

The \D character can also be used with the RegExp replace() method to replace all non-digit characters in a string with another character or string. For example, the following code replaces all non-digit characters in a string with an underscore:

let str = "abc123def456";
let result = str.replace(/\D/g, "_");
console.log(result); // Output: ___123___456

In this example, the global flag (g) is used to replace all non-digit characters in the string, not just the first match.


In conclusion, the \D character is a very useful tool in RegExp that enables you to match any non-digit character in a string. You can use this character with the RegExp test() method to check if a string contains non-digit characters, and with the RegExp replace() method to replace all non-digit characters with another character or string. Whether you are validating user input, manipulating text, or performing pattern matching, the \D character is a powerful tool to have in your JavaScript RegExp toolbox.
