Linux rlogin command - remote login

rlogin command: remote login.

rlogin command Function Description

Use the rlogin command to connect to a remote host system on the terminal of the current local host system.

rlogin command Syntax

rlogin [Remote Host] [Option]

Option Meaning:

The meanings of the options in the command are shown below:

Option Description
-L Allow rlogin sessions in litout mode
-8 Only 8-bit characters are recognized
-ec Set the escape character to c
-c You need to check before disconnecting via "~"
-n Prevent rlogin from hanging by "~^Z" or "~^Y"
-7 Forced 7-bit transmission
-d Open the debugging of the TCP socket used to communicate with the remote host
-k Request to include ticket information for remote hosts
-F Send a forwardable local authentication to the remote host
-t Setting the terminal type
-a Force the remote host to ask for a password when sending an empty local user name
-f Send a local authentication to the remote host
-x Turn on DES encryption for transmission data via rlogin session

rlogin command Demo

Login to the remote host as user zhangsan.

[root@deepinout ~]# rlogin -l zhangsan
connect to address port 543: Connection refused
trying normal rlogin (/usr/bin/rlogin)   Password:
// Enter the password of user zhangsan on remote host
[zhangsan@linux ~]$

The root user is not allowed to log in with rlogin by default

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