Linux colrm command - Remove columns from a file

Linux colrm command: Remove columns from a file

Linux colrm command Function Description

Use the colrm command to remove selected columns from the file to send to the standard output.

Linux colrm command Syntax

colrm [Start column [End column]]

Linux colrm command Example

Delete column 3 and the characters after it from the /root/ file, and output

colrm 3 < /root/


Linux colrm command

Delete the third column of the character abcde and the characters after it, and then output

 [root@rhel~]#colrm 3
 abcde                                  // Enter the character abcde
 // Finally press the [Ctrl+d] key combination to exit

Delete the characters between columns 3 and 5 in the character abcdefghi, and then output

[root@rhel ~]# colrm 3 5
abcdefghi                               // Enter the characters abcdefghi
// Finally press the [Ctrl+d] key combination to exit


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