Linux od command - dumps files in octal and other formats

Linux od command: dumps files in octal and other formats

Linux od command Function Description

Use the od command to dump the specified file to the standard output in octal form (the default). If more than one file parameter is specified, the program automatically consolidates the input into a list and outputs it in the same form.

The common files are text files and binary files. This command is mainly used to view the values saved in the binary file. For example, a program may output a large number of data records, each of which is a single-precision floating-point number. These data records are stored in a file, and if you want to view this data, this is where the od command comes in handy.

In my opinion, the od command is mainly used to format the output file data, i.e., to interpret the data in the file in a non-dualistic way. Whether it is floating point numbers in IEEE754 format or ASCII codes, the od command can output their values as required.

Linux od command Syntax

od [Option] [File]

The meaning of each option in the command is shown in the following table.

Option Description
-A <Initial Offset> Sets the initial offset of the file to be displayed
-j <Byte count> Skip the specified number of bytes of input
-N <Byte count> Limit the number of input bytes to be dumped to the specified number of bytes
-S <Byte count> Output the corresponding string containing at least the specified number of bytes of characters
-t <Type> Select the output format type
-v Masked lines are not marked with an * character
-w <Byte count> Each line outputs only the specified number of bytes

The od command can be used in the formats shown in the following table. Traditional format commands can be mixed and different formats can be overlaid.

Format Description
-a Use named characters and ignore higher-order bits
-b Use octal single-byte characters
-c Use ASCII characters, or special characters with backslash proper names
-d Use unsigned decimal double-byte characters
-f Specifies the floating-point comparison output format
-i Specifies the decimal integer comparison output format
-l Specifies the output format of the decimal long integer comparison
-o Specify the cross-reference output format for double-byte unit octal numbers
-s Specify the cross-reference output format for double-byte unit decimal numbers
-x Specify the cross-reference output format for double-byte unit hexadecimal numbers

Linux od command Examples

View the contents of /root/mbr files in double-byte unit hexadecimal number cross-reference output format, using named characters and ignoring high-order bits

od -xa /root/mbr


[root@rhel ~]# dd if=/dev/sda of=/root/mbr bs=512 count=1
// Backup MBR (master boot sector) information to /root/mbr file
[root@rhel ~]# od -xa /root/mbr
0000000   48eb   1090   d08e   00bc   b8b0   0000   d88e   c08e
        k   H dle dle  so   P   <nul   0   8 nul nul  so   X  so   @
0000020   befb   7c00   00bf   b906   0200   a4f3   21ea   0006
    { >nul | ?nul ack 9 nul stx s $ j !ack nul
0000040   be00   07be   0438   0b75   c683   8110   fefe   7507
      nul   >   >bel   8 eot   u vt etx   F dle soh   ~   ~bel   u
0000060   ebf3   b416   b002   bb01   7c00   80b2   748a   0203
        s   k syn   4 stx   0 soh   ;nul   |   2 nul nl   t etx stx
0000100   0080   8000   86e2   0000   0800   90fa   f690   80c2
      nul nul nul nul   b ack nul nul nul bs   z dle dle   v   B nul
0000120   0275   80b2   59ea   007c   3100   8ec0   8ed8   bcd0
        u stx   2 nul   j   Y   |nul nul   1   @ so   X so   P   <
0000140   2000   a0fb   7c40   ff3c   0274   c288   f652   80c2
      nul sp   { sp   @   |   <del   t stx bs   B   R   v   B nul
0000160   5474   41b4   aabb   cd55   5a13   7252   8149   55fb
        t   T   4   A   ;   *   U   M dc3   Z   R   r   I soh   {   U
0000200   75aa   a043   7c41   c084   0575   e183   7401   6637
        *   u   C sp   A   |eot   @   u enq etx   a soh   t   7   f
0000220   4c8b   be10   7c05   44c6   01ff   8b66   441e   c77c
        vt   L dle   >enq   |   F   D del soh   f vt rs   D   |   G
0000240   1004   c700   0244   0001   8966   085c   44c7   0006
      eot dle nul   G   D stx soh nul   f ht   \ bs   G   D ack nul
0000260   6670   c031   4489   6604   4489   b40c   cd42   7213
        p   f   1   @ ht   D eot   f ht   D ff   4   B   M dc3   r
0000300   bb05   7000   7deb   08b4   13cd   0a73   c2f6   0f80
      enq   ;nul   p   k   }   4 bs   M dc3   s nl   v   B nul si
0000320   f084   e900   008d   05be   c67c   ff44   6600   c031
      eot   p nul   i cr nul   >enq   |   F   D del nul   f   1   @
0000340   f088   6640   4489   3104   88d2   c1ca   02e2   e888
        bs   p   @   f ht   D eot   1   R bs   J   A   b stx bs   h
0000360   f488   8940   0844   c031   d088   e8c0   6602   0489
        bs   t   @ ht   D bs   1   @ bs   P   @   h stx   f ht eot
0000400   a166   7c44   3166   66d2   34f7   5488   660a   d231
        f   !   D   |   f   1   R   f   w   4 bs   T nl   f   1   R
0000420   f766   0474   5488   890b   0c44   443b   7d08   8a3c
        f   w   t eot bs   T vt ht   D ff   ;   D bs   }   < nl
0000440   0d54   e2c0   8a06   0a4c   c1fe   d108   6c8a   5a0c
        T cr   @   b ack nl   L nl   ~   A bs   Q nl   l ff   Z
0000460   748a   bb0b   7000   c38e   db31   01b8   cd02   7213
        nl   t vt   ;nul   p so   C   1   [   8 soh stx   M dc3   r
0000500   8c2a   8ec3   4806   607c   b91e   0100   db8e   f631
        * ff   C so ack   H   |   ' rs   9 nul soh so   [   1   v
0000520   ff31   f3fc   1fa5   ff61   4226   be7c   7d7f   40e8
        1 del   |   s   % us   a del   &   B   |   >del   }   h   @
0000540   eb00   be0e   7d84   38e8   eb00   be06   7d8e   30e8
      nul   k so   >eot   }   h   8 nul   k ack   > so   }   h   0
0000560   be00   7d93   2ae8   eb00   47fe   5552   2042   4700
      nul   >dc3   }   h   *nul   k   ~   G   R   U   B sp nul   G
0000600   6f65   006d   6148   6472   4420   7369   006b   6552
        e   o   m nul   H   a   r   d sp   D   i   s   k nul   R   e
0000620   6461   2000   7245   6f72   0072   01bb   b400   cd0e
        a   d nul sp   E   r   r   o   r nul   ;soh nul   4 so   M
0000640   ac10   003c   f475   00c3   0000   0000   0000   0000
dle   ,   <nul   u   t   C nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
0000660   0000   0000   0000   0000   4c36   0003   0000   2080
      nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul   6   L etx nul nul nul nul sp
0000700   0021   df83   0c13   0800   0000   2000   0003   df00
        !nul etx   _dc3 ff nul bs nul nul nul sp etx nul nul   _
0000720   0c14   fe83   ffff   2800   0003   0000   12c0   fe00
      dc4 ff etx   ~del del nul   (etx nul nul nul   @dc2 nul   ~
0000740   ffff   fe82   ffff   2800   12c3   0000   0040   0000
    del del stx ~del del nul ( C dc2 nul nul @nul nul nul
0000760   0000   0000   0000   0000   0000   0000   0000   aa55
    nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul U *

Description: Prepare a tmp file first

[linuxde@localhost ~]echo abcdef g>tmp
[linuxde@localhost ~] cat tmp
abcdef g

Description: Output using single-byte octal interpretation, note that the default address format on the left is eight bytes

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -b tmp
0000000 141 142 143 144 145 146 040 147 012

Description: Output using ASCII code, note that it includes escaped characters

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -c tmp
0000000   a   b   c   d   e   f       g  \n

Note: Use single-byte decimal for interpretation

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -t d1 tmp
0000000   97   98   99  100  101  102   32  103   10

Description: Set the address format to decimal.

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -A d -c tmp
0000000   a   b   c   d   e   f       g  \n

Description: Set the address format to hexadecimal

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -A x -c tmp
000000   a   b   c   d   e   f       g  \n

Description: Skip the first two bytes

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -j 2 -c tmp
0000002   c   d   e   f       g  \n

Description: Skip the first two bytes, and output only two bytes

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -N 2 -j 2 -c tmp
0000002   c   d

Description: Output only 1 byte per line

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -w1 -c tmp
0000000   a
0000001   b
0000002   c
0000003   d
0000004   e
0000005   f
0000007   g
0000010  \n

Description: Two bytes per line of output

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -w2 -c tmp
0000000   a   b
0000002   c   d
0000004   e   f
0000006       g
0000010  \n

Description: Output 3 bytes per line and interpreted using octal single bytes

[linuxde@localhost ~]$ od -w3 -b tmp
0000000 141 142 143
0000003 144 145 146
0000006 040 147 012


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