Docker search Command

Docker search Command

docker search : Find images from Docker Hub.

Docker search Syntax

docker search [OPTIONS] TERM

OPTIONS Description.

  • –automated : List only mirrors of the automated build type.
  • –no-trunc : Show full mirror descriptions.
  • -f <filter-conditions>: List mirrors whose collection number is not less than the specified value.

Docker search Example

Find all mirrors from Docker Hub that contain java in their name and have a collection greater than 10

apidemos@apidemos:~$ docker search -f stars=10 java
NAME                  DESCRIPTION                           STARS   OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
java                  Java is a concurrent, class-based...   1037    [OK]       
anapsix/alpine-java   Oracle Java 8 (and 7) with GLIBC ...   115                [OK]
develar/java                                                 46                 [OK]
isuper/java-oracle    This repository contains all java...   38                 [OK]
lwieske/java-8        Oracle Java 8 Container - Full + ...   27                 [OK]
nimmis/java-centos    This is docker images of CentOS 7...   13                 [OK]

Parameter description.

NAME: Name of the mirror repository source

DESCRIPTION: Description of the mirror

OFFICIAL: whether it is an official docker release

stars: Similar to star in Github, means like, like.

AUTOMATED: Automatic build.
