Docker inspect Command

Docker inspect Command

docker inspect : Get the metadata of the container/image.

Docker inspect Syntax

docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...]

OPTIONS Description.

  • -f : Specifies the template file for the returned value.
  • -s : Show the total file size.
  • –type : Return JSON for the specified type.

Docker inspect Examples

Get the meta information of the mirror mysql:5.6.

apidemos@apidemos:~$ docker inspect mysql:5.6
        "Id": "sha256:2c0964ec182ae9a045f866bbc2553087f6e42bfc16074a74fb820af235f070ec",
        "RepoTags": [
        "RepoDigests": [],
        "Parent": "",
        "Comment": "",
        "Created": "2016-05-24T04:01:41.168371815Z",
        "Container": "e0924bc460ff97787f34610115e9363e6363b30b8efa406e28eb495ab199ca54",
        "ContainerConfig": {
            "Hostname": "b0cf605c7757",
            "Domainname": "",
            "User": "",
            "AttachStdin": false,
            "AttachStdout": false,
            "AttachStderr": false,
            "ExposedPorts": {
                "3306/tcp": {}

Get the IP of the running container mymysql.

apidemos@apidemos:~$ docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mymysql