Docker Repository Management

Docker Repository Management

Repository is a place where images are stored centrally. The following describes the Docker Hub. Of course there is more than docker hub, just the remote service provider is different, the operation is the same.

Docker Hub

Currently Docker maintains an official public repository Docker Hub.

Most of the requirements can be achieved by downloading images directly from Docker Hub.


Register for a free Docker account at

Logging in and out

Once logged in, you need to enter your username and password. Once logged in successfully, we can pull all the mirrors under our account from docker hub.

$ docker login

Docker Repository Management


Exiting docker hub can be done with the following command.

$ docker logout

Pulling mirrors

You can use the docker search command to find a mirror in the official repository and use the docker pull command to download it locally.

Search for ubuntu as the keyword.

$ docker search ubuntu

Docker Repository Management

Use docker pull to download the official ubuntu image locally.

$ docker pull ubuntu 

Docker Repository Management

Push images

After logging in, users can push their images to Docker Hub with the docker push command.

Replace the username in the following command with your Docker account username.

$ docker tag ubuntu:18.04 username/ubuntu:18.04
$ docker image ls

REPOSITORY      TAG        IMAGE ID            CREATED           ...  
ubuntu          18.04      275d79972a86        6 days ago        ...  
username/ubuntu 18.04      275d79972a86        6 days ago        ...  
$ docker push username/ubuntu:18.04
$ docker search username/ubuntu
