Docker images Command

Docker images Command

docker images : Lists local images.

Docker images Syntax

docker images [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]

OPTIONS Description.

  • -a : lists all local mirrors (with intermediate image layers, which are filtered out by default).
  • –digests : display summary information of mirrors.
  • –f : displaying mirrors that meet the conditions.
  • –format : specify the template file for the returned values.
  • –no-trunc : displaying full mirror information.
  • -q : Show only mirror IDs.

Docker images Example

View the list of local mirrors.

apidemos@apidemos:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
mymysql                 v1                  37af1236adef        5 minutes ago       329 MB
apidemos/ubuntu           v4                  1c06aa18edee        2 days ago          142.1 MB
<none>                  <none>              5c6e1090e771        2 days ago          165.9 MB
httpd                   latest              ed38aaffef30        11 days ago         195.1 MB
alpine                  latest              4e38e38c8ce0        2 weeks ago         4.799 MB
mongo                   3.2                 282fd552add6        3 weeks ago         336.1 MB
redis                   latest              4465e4bcad80        3 weeks ago         185.7 MB
php                     5.6-fpm             025041cd3aa5        3 weeks ago         456.3 MB
python                  3.5                 045767ddf24a        3 weeks ago         684.1 MB

List the local mirrors with REPOSITORY as ubuntu.

root@apidemos:~# docker images  ubuntu
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ubuntu              14.04               90d5884b1ee0        9 weeks ago         188 MB
ubuntu              15.10               4e3b13c8a266        3 months ago        136.3 MB