Random Samples in Excel

Random Samples in Excel

One of the most valuable tools in data analysis is the ability to take random samples from a larger dataset. In Excel, there are several methods for generating random samples that can help you make valuable insights about your data. In this article, we will explore three different methods for generating random samples in Excel.

Method 1: RANDBETWEEN Function

The RANDBETWEEN function is a simple way to generate random numbers in Excel. This function generates a random number within a specified range, and you can use it to sample your data by selecting a range of cells that match the size of your desired sample.

Here is an example of how to use the RANDBETWEEN function to generate a random sample of 100 items from a dataset:

  1. Create a new column next to your dataset and label it “Random Number.”
  2. In the first cell of the “Random Number” column, enter the RANDBETWEEN function with the minimum and maximum range of your data, like this:
  1. Copy and paste this formula down the entire column to generate a random number for each row in your dataset.
  2. Sort your data by the “Random Number” column, and select the first 100 rows as your random sample.

Method 2: Using the Data Analysis Tools

Excel also has a data analysis tool that can help you generate random samples. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click the “Data” tab on the ribbon, and then click “Data Analysis” in the “Analysis” group.
  2. In the Data Analysis dialog box, select “Random Number Generation” from the list of analysis tools and click “OK.”
  3. In the “Random Number Generation” dialog box, specify the number of random numbers you want to generate and the range of values you want to use.
  4. Select the “Output Range” option and specify the range of cells for your random sample.
  5. Click “OK” to generate your random sample.

Method 3: Using the Sampling Tool

In addition to the Data Analysis tool, Excel also includes a Sampling tool that can help you generate random samples. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click the “Data” tab on the ribbon, and then click “Sampling” in the “Data Analysis” group.
  2. In the “Sampling” dialog box, specify the size of your desired sample and the range of cells containing your dataset.
  3. Specify any additional sampling options you want to use, such as stratified sampling or systematic sampling.
  4. Select the “Output Range” option and specify the range of cells for your random sample.
  5. Click “OK” to generate your random sample.


Random samples are an essential tool for data analysis, and Excel provides several easy-to-use methods for generating them. Whether you use the RANDBETWEEN function, the Data Analysis tool, or the Sampling tool, these methods can help you unlock valuable insights about your data and make better-informed decisions based on your analysis.
