How to Insert Subscript and Superscript in Microsoft Excel

How to Insert Subscript and Superscript in Microsoft Excel

If you have been using Microsoft Excel for a while, you might have noticed that there are times when you would like to represent mathematical or scientific notations, chemical formulas, footnotes, or abbreviations in a different format, e.g. Subscript or Superscript. Using the right format can improve the clarity and readability of your Excel worksheet.

In this article, we will explain how you can insert Subscript and Superscript in Microsoft Excel.

Subscript and Superscript Explained

A Subscript is a character or group of characters that appear smaller and below the normal typing line. It is typically used to represent mathematical or chemical formulas or abbreviations. For example, the chemical formula for water is H~2~O, where “2” is the Subscript.

A Superscript, on the other hand, is a character or group of characters that appear smaller and above the normal typing line. It is commonly used to represent exponents in mathematics, ordinal numbers, or footnotes. For example, 2^2^ is a Superscript that means “2 raised to the power of 2” or “2 squared”.

Inserting Subscript and Superscript in Excel

There are different ways to insert Subscript and Superscript in Excel, depending on the version you are using. In general, there are two approaches:

  • Using keyboard shortcuts
  • Using the Font dialog box

Keyboard Shortcuts

Excel provides built-in keyboard shortcuts that allow you to quickly insert Subscript and Superscript characters.

For Subscript
  • To subscript a single character: Select the character you want to subscript, then press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + =” (equal sign) on your keyboard. The selected character will appear in Subscript format.
  • To subscript multiple characters: Select the characters you want to subscript, then press “Ctrl + =” (equal sign) twice.
For Superscript
  • To superscript a single character: select the character you want to superscript, then press “Ctrl + Shift + =” (equal sign) on your keyboard.
  • To superscript multiple characters: select the characters you want to superscript, then press “Ctrl + Shift + =” (equal sign) twice.

Note that the keyboard shortcuts above work only in the cell you are currently working on. If you want to apply Subscript or Superscript to several cells or the entire table, you need to use the Font dialog box.

Font Dialog Box

The Font dialog box is a more customizable way to format Subscript and Superscript in Excel. Here are the steps to follow:

For Subscript
  1. Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  2. Click on the “Home” tab in the Excel Ribbon menu.
  3. Click on the “Font” dialog box launcher, located at the bottom right corner of the “Font” group.
  4. In the Font dialog box, check the “Subscript” box in the “Effects” section.
  5. Click on “OK” to apply the Subscript format.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + 1” to open the Font dialog box.

For Superscript
  1. Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  2. Click on the “Home” tab in the Excel Ribbon menu.
  3. Click on the “Font” dialog box launcher, located at the bottom right corner of the “Font” group.
  4. In the Font dialog box, check the “Superscript” box in the “Effects” section.
  5. Click on “OK” to apply the Superscript format.

Once you have applied the Subscript or Superscript format, you can see the effect in the selected cells.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with Subscript and Superscript in Excel:

  • To remove the Subscript or Superscript format from a cell, select the cell and press “Ctrl + Shift + F” to open the Font dialog box. Then, uncheck the “Subscript” or “Superscript” box and click “OK”.
  • If you frequently use Subscript and Superscript in Excel, you can add the Subscript and Superscript buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar for faster access.
  • Using the Format Painter tool, you can copy the Subscript or Superscript format from one cell to another. Simply click on the cell with the format you want to copy, then click on the Format Painter button (located in the Clipboard group of the Home tab), and drag the format over the cells you want to apply it to.


In conclusion, Subscript and Superscript are useful formatting options that can help you represent mathematical or scientific notations, chemical formulas, or footnotes in Excel. Whether you prefer using keyboard shortcuts or the Font dialog box, you can easily apply the Subscript or Superscript format to your cells. By using the tips and tricks we have shared in this article, you can work more efficiently and make your Excel worksheet more readable for yourself and others.
