How to Add Zeros Before the Number in Excel

How to Add Zeros Before the Number in Excel

Adding zeros before a number can be necessary while dealing with certain data sets in Excel. This is especially true if you are working with sorting or organizing numerical data where you need to maintain consistent digit lengths while displaying them. Adding zeros before a number is straightforward in Excel and can be accomplished in multiple ways.

Method 1: Add Zeros Before the Number using Format Cells

One of the simplest ways to add zeros before a number is to format the cell to display leading zeros. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells that you want to format.
  2. Go to the “Home” tab of the Excel menu bar and click on the “Format Cells” button located in the “Number” section.
  3. In the Format Cells window, select the “Custom” category from the list on the left-hand side.
  4. In the “Type” box, enter the number of zeros you want to add followed by the number format code. For example, if you want to add 3 leading zeros before a number, enter “0000” followed by the desired number format. If you want to add 4 leading zeros, enter “00000” and so on.

The number of zeros you add should be based on the maximum number of digits you expect to have in your numerical data. Once you hit OK, the cell(s) will display the number with leading zeros. For instance, if you type 10 in the cell, it will display as 0010 if you add 2 leading zeros before the number.

Method 2: Add Zeros Before the Number using CONCATENATE Function

Another way to add zeros before a number is by using the CONCATENATE function. This is particularly useful if you need to append leading zeros to a specific set of numbers that you have already entered into a worksheet. Here’s a quick example:

Let’s say you have a list of customer IDs in column A, and you want to add three leading zeros to all values. You can use the CONCATENATE function combined with the REPT function to add the zeros. Suppose the first customer ID is 12345, you can use the following formula:


The REPT function repeats a specified text a given number of times, while the CONCATENATE function combines different strings of text or values. The above formula first repeats the character zero, three times, and then concatenates it with the cell A1, which holds the original customer ID. The result will display as 00012345 in this case.

Method 3: Add Zeros Before the Number using Text Function

You can also use the TEXT function to add leading zeros to a number in Excel. Similar to method 2, this method is handy if you want to add leading zeros to a set of specific numbers that you have already entered into a worksheet. Here’s how:

Let’s say you have a list of salaries in column A and you want to add two leading zeros to all values. You can use the following formula:

=TEXT(A1, "0000#")

In this formula, the text function uses the “0000#” format code to add two leading zeros before the number in the cell A1. This code indicates that there are four digits in the cell’s total value, including any numbers before the decimal point.


Adding zeros before a number in Excel is crucial while dealing with specific numerical data or largest data sets. Excel provides multiple tools to achieve this task, including formatting cells, using the CONCATENATE and TEXT functions, among others. By using these methods, you can effectively add leading zeros to the numbers, which can be useful when you want to maintain data consistency or align data values.
