Correlation in Microsoft Excel: coefficient, matrix, and graph

Correlation in Microsoft Excel: coefficient, matrix, and graph

When working with data, it is essential to understand the correlation between variables. Correlation measures the relationship between two or more variables and provides insight into how they impact each other. Microsoft Excel offers several tools to analyze correlation, including the correlation coefficient, correlation matrix, and correlation graph.

Correlation Coefficient

The correlation coefficient is a statistical measure used to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. The coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, with -1 indicating a perfect negative correlation, 0 indicating no correlation, and 1 indicating a perfect positive correlation.

To calculate the correlation coefficient in Excel, use the CORREL function. The function takes two arguments, the two sets of data to compare. For example, to calculate the correlation between two sets of data in columns A and B, use the following formula:


This formula calculates the correlation coefficient between the two sets of data using the first ten rows.

Once you have calculated the correlation coefficient, you can interpret the result. A coefficient closer to -1 or 1 indicates a stronger relationship between the two variables, while a coefficient closer to 0 indicates a weaker relationship. If the coefficient is negative, then the variables are inversely related. If the coefficient is positive, then the variables are directly related.

Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix is a table that displays the correlation coefficients between multiple variables. The matrix makes it easy to spot any patterns in the relationships between variables and can be useful in exploratory data analysis.

To create a correlation matrix in Excel, you first need to arrange your data in a table format. Each column should represent a different variable, and each row should represent a different observation. Once your data is in the correct format, you can use the built-in correlation matrix tool.

  1. Highlight the range of data you want to include in the matrix.
  2. Go to the “Data” tab in the ribbon and click “Data Analysis” in the “Analysis” group.
  3. In the “Data Analysis” dialog box, select “Correlation” and click “OK.”
  4. In the “Correlation” dialog box, select the data range and click “OK.”
  5. Excel will calculate the correlation matrix and display it in a new worksheet.

The resulting correlation matrix will show the correlation coefficients between all of the variables in your data set. The coefficients on the diagonal represent the correlation between each variable and itself and will always be equal to 1.

Correlation Graph

A correlation graph, also known as a scatter plot, is a visual representation of the correlation between two variables. Scatter plots are useful for identifying patterns in the data, such as clusters or trends.

To create a scatter plot in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Arrange your data in two columns. The first column should be the independent variable, and the second column should be the dependent variable.
  2. Highlight the data range.
  3. Go to the “Insert” tab in the ribbon and click “Scatter” in the “Charts” group.
  4. Select the type of scatter plot you want to create. For example, you can choose a simple scatter plot with markers or a scatter plot with lines connecting the points.
  5. Excel will generate the scatter plot and display it in the worksheet.

The resulting scatter plot will show the relationship between the two variables. If there is no correlation between the variables, the plot will show a random distribution of points. If there is a correlation, the plot will show a trend or pattern in the points.


Microsoft Excel offers several tools for analyzing correlation, including the correlation coefficient, correlation matrix, and correlation graph. These tools provide insight into the relationship between variables and can be useful for exploratory data analysis, hypothesis testing, and decision-making. By understanding how to use these tools, you can gain a better understanding of your data and make informed decisions based on the results.
