How to Count Non-Empty Cells in Excel

How to Count Non-Empty Cells in Excel

When working with large spreadsheets in Excel, it is often necessary to count the number of non-empty cells in a particular range. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as calculating the number of responses to a survey or tallying the number of items in a list. Fortunately, Excel provides a number of built-in functions that can make this task much easier.

Using the COUNTA Function

The simplest way to count non-empty cells in Excel is to use the COUNTA function. This function counts the number of cells within a range that contain any type of data, including text, numbers, and formulas. To use the COUNTA function, follow these steps:

  1. Select the range of cells that you want to count.
  2. Enter the following formula into a blank cell: =COUNTA(range)
  3. Replace “range” with the actual range of cells that you selected in step 1.
  4. Press Enter to calculate the result.

For example, suppose you have a list of products in cells A1:A10, and you want to count the number of products that have been sold. To do this, you would select the range A1:A10 and enter the following formula into a blank cell:


This would calculate the number of non-empty cells within the selected range and display the result in the cell where you entered the formula.

Handling Blank Cells

One potential issue with using the COUNTA function is that it will also count cells that are completely blank, meaning they contain no data, formulas, or formatting. This can be problematic if you only want to count cells that contain meaningful data.

To handle blank cells in your count, you can use a combination of the COUNTA and IF functions. The IF function allows you to specify a logical test that determines whether a cell should be included in the count. Here’s how to use this approach:

  1. Enter the following formula into a blank cell: =COUNTIF(range,"<>")
  2. Replace “range” with the actual range of cells that you want to count.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the result.

This formula uses the COUNTIF function to count only cells that are not equal to an empty string (“”), which effectively excludes blank cells from the count. Here’s an example of how this formula might be used:

Suppose you have a list of customer names in cells A1:A10, and some of these customers have not yet placed an order, resulting in some blank cells. To count the number of customers who have placed an order, you would enter the following formula into a blank cell:


This formula would count only the non-empty cells in the selected range and exclude any completely blank cells.

Counting Non-Blank Cells in a Column

If you want to count non-empty cells in an entire column, you can use the COUNTA function in combination with the COLUMN function to dynamically select the entire column. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Enter the following formula into a blank cell: =COUNTA(INDIRECT("A:A"))
  2. Replace “A” with the letter corresponding to the column you want to count.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the result.

This formula uses the INDIRECT function to create a reference to the entire column, which is then passed to the COUNTA function to count the number of non-empty cells. Here’s an example of how this formula might be used:

Suppose you have a sales dataset with data in columns A through E, and you want to count the number of non-empty cells in column D. To do this, you would enter the following formula into a blank cell:


This formula would select the entire column D and count the number of non-empty cells.


Counting non-empty cells in Excel can be a useful way to analyze data and track progress. By using the COUNTA function or a combination of the COUNTIF and IF functions, you can quickly and easily count the number of cells that contain meaningful data. Whether you’re managing a project or analyzing a complex data set, these Excel functions can help you stay organized and informed.
