10 Lesser Known Useful Linux Commands

10 Lesser Known Useful Linux Commands

Linux is a widely used operating system by developers and admins in the IT industry. It offers a wide range of features and tools for managing and manipulating your system. Though there are some basic commands that every user knows in Linux, there are also some lesser-known Linux commands that can be quite useful. Below are ten such commands that can help you be more productive in your work.

1. tac

The tac command is the reverse of the cat command. It helps to print the contents of a file in reverse order. This command can be helpful when you want to view the contents of a file in reverse order.

tac file.txt

2. mtr

MTR stands for My Traceroute. It is a combination of traceroute and ping commands, and it can help you to find network-related issues. This command provides more detailed information than the traceroute command.

mtr google.com

3. ncdu

ncdu stands for NCurses Disk Usage. It is a command-line utility that helps to find out the disk space usage by a directory or file. The output is displayed in a tree-like structure.

ncdu /home/user

4. watch

watch is a command that allows you to execute a command repeatedly at a specified interval. This command can be helpful when you want to monitor the output of a command continuously.

watch 'ps aux | grep httpd'

5. tree

tree is a command-line utility that displays the directory structure in a tree-like format. It can help to visualize the directory structure in a better way than using the ls command.

tree /home/user

6. split

split is a command that helps to split a large file into smaller files. This command can be useful when you want to transfer a large file over a network.

split -b 1M file.txt

7. comm

comm is a command-line tool that helps to compare two sorted files line by line. It can be useful when you want to find the differences or similarities between two files.

comm file1.txt file2.txt

8. convert

The convert command is a part of the ImageMagick package. It can be used to convert an image from one format to another. This command can be useful when you want to manipulate images on the command line.

convert image.jpg image.png

9. xargs

xargs is a command that allows you to pass output from one command as an argument to another command. This command can be helpful when you want to execute a command on multiple files.

ls *.txt | xargs rm

10. find

find command helps to search for files and directories based on different criteria. It can be helpful when you want to find files based on their type, size, or modification time.

find . -type f -name '*.txt'

These are ten lesser-known but useful Linux commands that every user should know. These commands can help you save time and be more productive in your work.


In conclusion, Linux offers a wide range of tools and features that can help you manage your system efficiently. Though there are standard commands that every user knows, there are many lesser-known commands that can be quite useful. These ten commands provide different functionalities that can help you to be more productive in your work.
