10 Cool Software to Try from COPR Repo in Fedora

10 Cool Software to Try from COPR Repo in Fedora

Fedora is one of the best-known Linux distributions in the world. What makes Fedora unique is that it is a very stable distribution, yet it is still very cutting edge. This is largely due to the fact that Fedora is ahead of the curve when it comes to software development. This means that Fedora is always pushing the boundaries of what can be done with Linux, and it is always looking for new and innovative software to include in its repositories.

One of the best places to find new and interesting software for Fedora is in the COPR repository. COPR is short for “Cool Other Package Repo,” and it is a community-driven repository of software packages that are not included in the official Fedora repositories. These packages are usually experimental versions of software that are still being developed, but they can also be stable versions of software that are not available in Fedora’s repositories.

In this article, we will take a look at ten cool software packages that you can try out from COPR. We will include a brief description of what each package does, as well as a sample command to install it.

1. BleachBit

BleachBit is a system cleaning application that allows you to free up space by deleting unnecessary files and system logs. This is particularly useful if you have a small hard drive or if you are running a system that is low on resources.

To install BleachBit from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable szydell/bleachbit
sudo dnf install bleachbit

2. Gramps

Gramps is a genealogy program that allows you to keep track of your family history. This program is particularly useful if you are interested in tracing your family’s lineage or if you are doing genealogical research.

To install Gramps from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable jlanda/gramps
sudo dnf install gramps

3. Qalculate!

Qalculate! is a calculator application that includes a wide range of functions and features. This program can be particularly useful if you are working with complex equations or if you need to convert units.

To install Qalculate! from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable apuimedo/qalculate
sudo dnf install qalculate

4. PlayOnLinux

PlayOnLinux is a program that allows you to run Windows applications on Linux. This program can be particularly useful if you have an application that only runs on Windows or if you need to run a Windows game.

To install PlayOnLinux from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable kwizart/playonlinux
sudo dnf install playonlinux

5. Peek

Peek is a screen recording application that allows you to capture GIFs or videos of your screen. This application can be particularly useful if you need to create a tutorial or if you are trying to demonstrate how to use a particular program.

To install Peek from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable canwk/peek
sudo dnf install peek

6. Neovim

Neovim is a text editor that is compatible with Vim but has additional features and improved performance. This editor can be particularly useful if you are working with a lot of text files or if you are doing programming.

To install Neovim from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable flatcap/neovim
sudo dnf install neovim

7. Krita

Krita is a digital painting and illustration application. This program can be particularly useful if you are a graphic designer or if you are interested in digital drawing.

To install Krita from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable gurrier/krita
sudo dnf install krita

8. Inkscape

Inkscape is a vector graphics editor that is similar to Adobe Illustrator. This program can be particularly useful if you are a graphic designer or if you are working with logos or other graphics.

To install Inkscape from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable jhogarth/inkscape-git
sudo dnf install inkscape-git


GIMP is an image editor that is similar to Adobe Photoshop. This program can be particularly useful if you are a graphic designer or if you are working with images.

To install GIMP from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable gimp
sudo dnf install gimp

10. Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that is designed to run server-side JavaScript applications. This program can be particularly useful if you are a web developer or if you are interested in building web applications.

To install Node.js from the COPR repository, enter the following command:

sudo dnf copr enable ganto/nodejs
sudo dnf install nodejs


Fedora is an excellent Linux distribution, and the COPR repository is an excellent source of new and innovative software. We hope that this article has given you some ideas about what software to try from COPR. Have fun exploring these new programs, and remember to always backup your system before trying anything new!
