10 Examples of How to Use New Advanced Package Tool (APT) in Ubuntu/Debian

10 Examples of How to Use New Advanced Package Tool (APT) in Ubuntu/Debian

Are you tired of manually updating and installing packages on your Ubuntu or Debian system? The advanced package tool (APT) is a powerful command-line utility that can help you manage software installations, upgrades, and removals with ease. In this article, we will explore 10 examples of how to use APT to optimize your system and simplify your software management tasks.

1. Installing a Package

To install a package using APT, simply use the apt-get install command followed by the package name:

sudo apt-get install <package_name>

For example, to install the “htop” process monitor utility, you can type:

sudo apt-get install htop

APT will automatically download and install the package along with its dependencies.

2. Updating the Package List

Before installing or upgrading packages using APT, it’s essential to ensure that your system has the latest package information. Run the following command to update the package list:

sudo apt-get update

This command retrieves the latest package list from the configured repositories.

3. Upgrading Packages

To upgrade packages on your system, use the command:

sudo apt-get upgrade

This command will upgrade all installed packages on your system to their latest available versions. APT will prompt you to confirm before proceeding with the upgrade.

4. Removing a Package

To remove a package using APT, use the command:

sudo apt-get remove <package_name>

For example, to remove the “htop” utility, type:

sudo apt-get remove htop

APT will remove the package and its dependencies from your system.

5. Removing the Package and Its Configuration Files

To remove a package and its configuration files, use the command:

sudo apt-get purge <package_name>

This command is useful when you want to completely remove a package and its associated configuration files.

6. Searching for Packages

To search for packages using APT, use the command:

apt-cache search <package_name>

This command will display a list of packages that match the search criteria.

7. Listing Installed Packages

To list all installed packages on your system, use the command:

dpkg --list

This command will display a detailed list of all installed packages on your system, including their version numbers and package status.

8. Listing Available Upgrades

To list available upgrades for installed packages, use the command:

apt list --upgradable

This command will list all the packages that have a newer version available and ready for upgrade.

9. Cleaning Up Packages

To remove unnecessary downloaded packages and package cache files, use the command:

sudo apt-get autoclean

This command will remove all the cached package files that can no longer be downloaded.

10. Cleaning Up Dependency Packages

To remove packages that are no longer required by any installed packages, use the command:

sudo apt-get autoremove

This command will automatically remove all the packages that are no longer required by any installed packages, freeing up disk space.


APT is a powerful package management tool that can save you time and effort when managing software installations, upgrades, and removals on your Ubuntu or Debian system. By leveraging the examples discussed in this article, you can become more proficient in managing your system and keeping your software up to date.
