10 Interview Questions on Linux ls Command

10 Interview Questions on Linux ls Command

Linux is a widely used operating system that has revolutionized the world of technology. The Linux ls command is one of the essential commands that most Linux administrators and users rely on to access files and directories. In this article, we will explore ten interview questions that commonly relate to the Linux ls command.

1. What is the ls command on Linux?

The ls command is a built-in Linux command that lets users view the contents of a directory. It displays files and directories in the current directory or in a specific directory you select.

2. How do you use the ls command on Linux?

The syntax of the ls command in Linux is:


Options are optional, and file can be a directory or a file. For example:

ls mydirectory
ls -la myfile

3. What are the most common options for ls?

Some of the most commonly used ls options in Linux are:

  • a: Displays all files, including hidden files
  • l: Displays detailed information, including permissions, ownership, modification date, and size
  • h: Human-readable output
  • S: Sorts output by file size
  • t: Sorts output by time modified

4. How do you display hidden files using ls?

To display hidden files using ls, use the -a option. For example:

ls -a

This will display all files, including hidden files.

5. What does ls -lR do?

The ls -lR command displays a detailed view of all files and directories recursively. It lists subdirectories and files under each directory, including hidden files.

6. How do you sort files by size using ls?

To sort files by size using ls, use the -S option. For example:

ls -S

This will list all files and directories sorted by size, from largest to smallest.

7. How do you count the number of files in a directory using ls?

To count the number of files in a directory using ls, use the wc command with the -l option. For example:

ls | wc -l

This will count the number of files in the current directory.

8. How do you list only directories in a directory using ls?

To list only directories in a directory using ls, use the -d option. For example:

ls -d */

This will display only directories in the current directory.

9. How do you list files by modification time using ls?

To list files by modification time using ls, use the -t option. For example:

ls -lt

This will list all files and directories sorted by the latest modified files or directories to the oldest.

10. How do you display file sizes in human-readable format using ls?

To display file sizes in human-readable format using ls, use the -h option. For example:

ls -lh

This will list all files and directories in human-readable format.


The Linux ls command is one of the critical commands that every Linux user should be familiar with. In this article, we explored ten commonly asked interview questions on the ls command, including how to use it, options, displaying hidden files, sorting files, counting files, and displaying file sizes. These questions are essential for Linux users to understand and be able to use the ls command effectively.
