matplotlib.pyplot.acorr | Plot the autocorrelation of x

The matplotlib.pyplot.acorr function in the matplotlib.pyplot module is used to plot the autocorrelation of x.

matplotlib.pyplot.acorr Syntax

The syntax of the matplotlib.pyplot.acorr method is as follows:

matplotlib.pyplot.acorr(x, *, data=None, **kwargs)

matplotlib.pyplot.acorr Parameters

The matplotlib.pyplot.acorr accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Necessity Description
x Required array-like, A sequence of scalars.
detrend Optional A detrending function applied to x.
callable, default: mlab.detrend_none (means no detrending)

It must have the signature: detrend(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray

normed Optional A Boolean value, default: True
If True, input vectors are normalized to unit length.
usevlines Optional A Boolean value, default: True.
Determines the plot style.
If True, vertical lines are plotted from 0 to the acorr value using Axes.vlines. Additionally, a horizontal line is plotted at y=0 using Axes.axhline.
If False, markers are plotted at the acorr values using matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot.
maxlags Optional An integer value, default: 10
Number of lags to show.
If None, will return all 2 * len(x) - 1 lags.
linestyle Optional A Line2D object.
The linestyle for plotting the data points.
Only used if usevlines is False.
marker Optional A string value, default: ‘o’.
The marker for plotting the data points.
Only used if usevlines is False.
data Optional indexable object.
If given, the x parameters also accept a string s, which is interpreted as data[s]
**kwargs Optional Additional parameters are passed to Axes.vlines and Axes.axhline if usevlines is True; otherwise they are passed to Axes.plot.

matplotlib.pyplot.acorr Returns

The return value of the matplotlib.pyplot.acorr function is as follows :

Return Value Description
lags array (length 2*maxlags+1)
The lag vector.
c array (length 2*maxlags+1)
The auto correlation vector.
line LineCollection or Line2D
Artist added to the Axes of the correlation:
LineCollection if usevlines is True.
Line2D if usevlines is False.
b Line2D or None
Horizontal line at 0 if usevlines is True None usevlines is False.

Demo #1: Basic usage of matplotlib.pyplot.acorr

The following example demonstrates the use of the matplotlib.pyplot.acorr method −

# Demo of matplotlib.pyplot.acorr() function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x, y = np.random.randn(2, 100)

plt.plot(x, y, '.')

# Plot autocorrelation
plt.acorr(x, usevlines=True, normed=True, maxlags=50, lw=2)
# plt.acorr(x, maxlags = 9)

When we run above program, it produces following result −

Basic usage of matplotlib.pyplot.acorr
