RESTful Web Services – Java (JAX-RS)

RESTful Web Services – Java (JAX-RS)

RESTful Web Services are web services that follow the principles of REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer. REST is a set of architectural principles used to design web services. The main goal of RESTful Web Services is to make it easy for clients to interact with web resources using standard HTTP methods.

Java provides support for creating RESTful Web Services through a specification called Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). JAX-RS is a powerful and flexible API that makes it easy to develop RESTful Web Services in Java.

In this article, we will explore how to create RESTful Web Services using Java (JAX-RS) and understand the basic concepts behind it.

Getting Started

Before we dive into writing code, let’s take a moment to understand some of the basics of RESTful Web Services.

  1. Resources – RESTful Web Services are built around resources. A resource is a representation of some piece of information, such as a person, a product, or a document.

  2. Uniform Interface – RESTful Web Services use a uniform interface to communicate between clients and servers. This interface is based on the HTTP protocol and consists of standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

  3. Stateless – RESTful Web Services are stateless, meaning that each request from a client to a server must contain all the necessary information to complete the request.

  4. Client-Server Architecture – RESTful Web Services follow a client-server architecture, where the client is responsible for initiating the communication with the server.

Now that we have a basic understanding of RESTful Web Services, let’s start building our own using Java (JAX-RS).

Creating a Project

To get started with JAX-RS, we need to create a new project in our IDE. We will be using Eclipse as our IDE.

  1. Open Eclipse and create a new dynamic web project by selecting File -> New -> Dynamic Web Project. Give the project a name and click Finish.

  2. Right-click on the project and select Properties. Then select Project Facets from the left-hand menu, and check the Dynamic Web Module and Java checkboxes.

  3. Now that our project is set up, we need to add the JAX-RS dependencies to our project. We can do this by adding the following dependencies to our project’s pom.xml file:


Once we have added these dependencies to our project, we are ready to start building our RESTful Web Services.

Building a Resource

The first step in building a RESTful Web Service is to create a resource. A resource is a representation of some piece of information that is exposed through our REST API.

To create a resource in JAX-RS, we need to create a new Java class and annotate it with the @Path annotation. This annotation tells JAX-RS that this class represents a resource and specifies the URL path at which this resource can be accessed.

public class HelloWorldResource {
  public String sayHello() {
    return "Hello, World!";

In the example above, we have created a new resource called HelloWorldResource, which is accessible at the /hello URL path. This resource has a single method annotated with the @GET annotation, which means that this method handles GET requests to this resource.

The method simply returns a string that says “Hello, World!”. This string will be returned to the client who makes a GET request to this resource.

Deploying the Application

Now that we have created our first resource, we need to deploy our application to a web server. We will be using Apache Tomcat as our web server.

  1. Download and install Apache Tomcat on your machine.

  2. In Eclipse, right-click on the project and select Export -> WAR file. Choose a location to save the file and give it a name.

  3. Copy the WAR file to the Tomcat webapps directory.

  4. Start the Tomcat server by running the startup.bat or file in the bin directory.

  5. Access the application by going to http://localhost:8080/{context-root}/{resource-path} in your web browser. In our case, the context root is the name of our WAR file, and the resource path is /hello.

If everything went correctly, you should see a message that says “Hello, World!” in your web browser.

Consuming the Resource

Now that we have created a resource and deployed our application, let’s take a look at how we can consume this resource from a client.

We will be using the curl command-line tool to make HTTP requests to our API.

curl http://localhost:8080/{context-root}/{resource-path}

For example, to make a GET request to our /hello resource, we would run the following command:

curl http://localhost:8080/myapp/hello

This command will return the string “Hello, World!” that we defined in our resource.


In this article, we have explored how to create RESTful Web Services using Java (JAX-RS). We have covered the basics of RESTful Web Services, including resources, uniform interface, statelessness, and client-server architecture.

We have also shown how to create a simple resource in JAX-RS, deploy our application to a web server, and consume this resource from a client using the curl command.

JAX-RS is a powerful and flexible API that makes it easy to develop RESTful Web Services in Java. With JAX-RS, we can create robust and scalable APIs that are easy to use and maintain.
