RESTful Web Services – Resources

RESTful Web Services – Resources

When designing RESTful web services, one key concept to keep in mind is resources. Resources are the central building blocks of RESTful architecture and are used to represent the data that your web service provides.

At their core, resources are simply a way of identifying and representing data. For example, if you’re building a web service that provides information about books, your resources might include information about the book’s title, author, publisher, and publication date.

The key feature of resources is that each one has a unique identifier, known as a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). This URI is used to uniquely identify the resource within the web service, and is what clients use to interact with the resource.

Defining Resources

When defining your resources, it’s important to keep several key principles in mind.

First, each resource should be uniquely identifiable using a URI. This URI should be stable and persist over time, so that clients can rely on it as a way of addressing the resource.

Second, resources should be independent of the representation that’s used to represent them. That is, the same resource can be represented in multiple ways (e.g. JSON, XML, etc.) without changing the underlying resource.

Finally, resources should be self-describing. This means that clients should be able to discover what resources are available, what operations can be performed on them, and what representation formats are supported.

Here’s an example of how you might define a resource for a book in JSON:

    "id": "123",
    "title": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
    "author": "Douglas Adams",
    "publisher": "Pan Books",
    "publishedDate": "1979-10-12"

URIs and Resource Naming

As we mentioned earlier, each resource should have a stable, unique identifier known as a URI. But how should you go about naming your resources in a RESTful web service?

One common approach is to use a hierarchical URI structure, where each level of the hierarchy represents a different aspect of the resource.

For example, let’s say you’re building a web service that provides information about books. You might use a URI structure like this:


This URI represents the overall collection of books available through the web service.

You might then use a more specific URI to represent an individual book:


This URI represents the specific book with an ID of 123.

Using a hierarchical structure like this makes it easy to navigate the different resources in your web service, and to understand the relationships between them.

HTTP Verbs and Resource Operations

Once you’ve defined your resources and their URIs, the next step is to define the operations that can be performed on those resources. In RESTful web services, these operations are typically mapped onto HTTP verbs.

HTTP provides a set of standard methods (also known as verbs) that can be used to interact with resources. The most commonly used verbs are:

  • GET – retrieve a representation of a resource
  • POST – create a new resource
  • PUT – replace an existing resource with a new representation
  • DELETE – delete a resource

Using these verbs, you can define the operations that can be performed on your resources in a clear and consistent way.

For example, you might use a GET request to retrieve information about a book:

GET /books/123

You could use a POST request to create a new book:

POST /books
    "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
    "author": "J.R.R. Tolkien",
    "publisher": "Allen & Unwin",
    "publishedDate": "1954-07-29"

You could use a PUT request to update an existing book:

PUT /books/123
    "title": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
    "author": "Douglas Adams",
    "publisher": "Pan Books",
    "publishedDate": "2001-06-23"

And you could use a DELETE request to delete a book:

DELETE /books/123

By mapping these operations onto HTTP verbs, you provide a standard and consistent way for clients to interact with your resources, regardless of the underlying technology used to implement the web service.


In summary, resources are a central concept in RESTful web services. By defining your resources and their URIs, and by mapping operations onto HTTP verbs, you can create a web service that’s easy to understand and easy to use. By following these key principles, you can create a web service that’s robust, reliable, and scalable, and that provides a solid foundation for building modern, data-driven applications.
