Git show Command: An In-depth Guide

Git show Command: An In-depth Guide

Git is a powerful version control system used by millions of developers worldwide. One of the most useful commands in Git is the show command. In this article, we will explore the various uses of the git show command and how to use it effectively.

What is Git show Command?

The git show command is a Git command that displays information about a particular commit. This command is useful for inspecting different aspects of a commit, such as the changes made to a file, the author of the commit, and the commit message.

The git show command can be used to display the entire content of a commit or limited to specific parts of a commit. This command provides a way to access the history of a repository and understand the changes made to the codebase.

How to Use Git show Command?

The git show command can be used with different arguments to display various types of information about a commit. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used arguments with the git show command:

Displaying the Commit Message

The most basic use of the git show command is to display the commit message. To display the commit message of the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show

This command will display the commit message along with other details like the author of the commit, the timestamp of the commit, and the commit ID.

Displaying the Commit SHA

To display the SHA of a particular commit, use the git show <commit_SHA> command. For example, to display the SHA of the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show HEAD

This command will display the SHA of the latest commit in the current branch.

Displaying the Commit Details

To display the details of a commit, including the author, commit message, and the changes made in the commit, use the git show <commit_SHA> command. For example, to display the details of the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show HEAD

This command will display the details of the latest commit in the current branch.

Displaying the Changes Made in the Commit

To display the changes made in a commit, use the git show <commit_SHA> command followed by the file name. For example, to display the changes made in a file named index.html in the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show HEAD:index.html

This command will display the changes made to the index.html file in the latest commit.

Displaying the Author of the Commit

To display the author of a commit, use the git show --format='%an' <commit_SHA> command. For example, to display the author of the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show --format='%an' HEAD

This command will display the name of the author of the latest commit in the current branch.

Displaying the Commit Time

To display the time of a commit, use the git show --format='%cd' <commit_SHA> command. For example, to display the time of the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show --format='%cd' HEAD

This command will display the timestamp of the latest commit in the current branch.

Displaying the Files Changed in the Commit

To display the files changed in a commit, use the git show --name-only <commit_SHA> command. For example, to display the files changed in the latest commit in the current branch, run the following command:

$ git show --name-only HEAD

This command will display the names of the files changed in the latest commit in the current branch.


The git show command is a powerful tool that allows developers to inspect a repository’s history in detail. With this command, you can display commit messages, commit details, changes made in a commit, the author of a commit, commit time, and the files changed in a commit.

By mastering the git show command, developers can gain deeper insight into their repositories’ history, enabling them to make better decisions about their codebase. So, try out the different arguments with the git show command and start exploring your repository’s history!



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