A Comprehensive Guide to Git Rebase Command

A Comprehensive Guide to Git Rebase Command

Git is an open-source version control system that allows developers to track changes in the codebase and collaborate efficiently. Git Rebase is one of the key commands in Git which helps in merging code changes from one branch to another. In this guide, we will dive into the usage and benefits of the Git Rebase command.


Git Rebase is a command that allows users to merge code changes from one branch to another by applying the changes made in one branch onto the other. This is achieved by creating a new commit and modifying the commit history. The Git Rebase command is used when a user wants to apply the changes made in a feature branch onto the base branch.

The main difference between Git Merge and Git Rebase is that Git Merge creates a new commit to merge the changes and retains the commit history of both branches, while Git Rebase modifies the commit history to make it look like the changes were made on top of the base branch.

Git Rebase Workflow

The Git Rebase command follows the following workflow:

  1. Create a feature branch from the base branch
  2. Make changes in the feature branch
  3. Fetch the latest changes from the base branch and merge them into the feature branch
  4. Resolve any conflicts that arise from the merge
  5. Run the Git Rebase command to apply the changes made in the feature branch onto the base branch
  6. Resolve any conflicts that arise from the rebase
  7. Push the changes to the remote repository

Benefits of Git Rebase

The Git Rebase command offers several benefits over Git Merge. Some of these benefits are:

  • Cleaner Commit History: Git Rebase modifies the commit history to make it look like the changes were made on top of the base branch. This results in a cleaner and more linear commit history, which makes it easier to understand the changes made in the codebase.

  • Easier Code Review: A cleaner commit history makes it easier for other developers to review the code changes and provide feedback. Code reviews are an essential part of every development process, and Git Rebase makes it easier for developers to review code changes.

  • Faster Merging: Since Git Rebase modifies the commit history and eliminates unnecessary merge commits, it results in a faster merging process. This is especially beneficial for large code repositories where merge conflicts are common.

Git Rebase Command Syntax

The syntax for Git Rebase command is as follows:

git rebase <base_branch>

The base_branch is the branch that the changes are being applied onto.

Example Git Rebase Workflow

Let’s say we have a base branch develop and a feature branch feature-branch. The feature branch was created from the develop branch, and we have made some changes in the feature branch that we want to apply onto the develop branch. The Git Rebase workflow in this scenario would be as follows:

  1. git checkout feature-branch – Switch to the feature branch
  2. git fetch – Fetch the latest changes from the remote repository
  3. git merge origin/develop – Merge the changes made in the develop branch into the feature branch
  4. Resolve any conflicts that arise from the merge
  5. git rebase develop – Apply the changes made in the feature branch onto the develop branch
  6. Resolve any conflicts that arise from the rebase
  7. git push origin feature-branch – Push the modified feature branch to the remote repository


In conclusion, Git Rebase is a powerful command that allows developers to merge code changes from one branch to another efficiently. Its benefits include a cleaner commit history, easier code review, and faster merging. By following the Git Rebase workflow, developers can apply changes made in a feature branch onto the base branch and maintain a consistent and organized codebase.



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